Saturday is National Christmas Lights Day

Saturday is National Christmas Lights Day, even though some of us have already gotten the jump (looking at you, across the street neighbors who NEVER TOOK DOWN LAST YEAR’S LIGHTS >:( 

I usually don’t put any on the outside of my house (I’m renting) but this list of ideas has got me inspired, including making a tree out of the hoop of the basketball pole, lightning a tomato cage tree, and making Christmas light balls out of the chicken wire among other things…

Top 10 Christmas Light Ideas for 2018

You better believe I am going to be stringing up some divvy bikes this season..

feliz navidad.

<3 Lauren

P.S. Let’s also agree to take all the Christmas stuff down at a reasonable time this year, yes?  Does March 1 work for everyone?

Otherwise it becomes a fire hazard.  Because I will set it on fire.