There’s a New Whiskey That Tastes Like Deer

If swigging regular whiskey wasn’t MANLY enough for you, now there’s this . . .


A distillery in New Hampshire is releasing a new whiskey later this month that tastes like DEER.  Basically, they added venison as they were aging the whiskey to give it a, quote, “savory complement.


They’re also releasing a brandy in December that’s flavored with the CORPSE FLOWER . . . which is one of the worst smelling flowers in the world.  They say it adds, quote, “death and decay to the floral notes of the brandy.”  Delicious?


(Careful!)  But if you can’t wait for deer whiskey out next week or corpse flower brandy next month, they already have one other questionable product for sale:  A whiskey flavored with castoreum, which are secretions from beaver anuses.  Yep.


Check out their website if you want to find out more about ordering the liquors once they come out.  Seems like the perfect holiday gift for that person in your life who loves interesting alcohol and you also secretly kinda hate.




(Here are pictures of all three bottles.)